in the beautiful Wylye Valley in Wiltshire
The event focuses on the past and celebrates all that was great from before the turn of the century up to the 1980's. The festival is run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts and is a wonderful opportunity to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends in beautiful surroundings. We hope to see you at the 2019 event.
There was a small group of nostalgic Murvis at the last festival and at least one would like to create the atmosphere again in 2019.
Tickets you require for full Vintage Nostalgia weekend are
An Adult weekend ticket, each. - £41, A long weekend standard camping pitch 3 nights Thurs/Fri/Sat. - £30,
Shower pass £3.50, if required.
Early bird tickets are sold out.
It is quite a small affair, but as well as music, dancing and stalls, they do have quite a large vintage vehicle display. Lots of people dress in 1930’s/40’s clothes.
You choose where to pitch yourself. There are plenty of portaloos and WDP.
There is a good cafe to meet beforehand just down the road only two mins drive from the site:-
Hillside Cafe, Codford, Warminster, Wilts. BA12 0JZ
... in fact you can overnight here if you wish. Tel: 01985 850712
If you're interested email Kate Foster at