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The Murvi Club
1 The name of the association is The Murvi Club.
2 The aims of the association are to provide support, friendship and recreation amongst owners of Murvi motor caravans.
3 Membership is open to owners of Murvi motor caravans and past owners at the discretion of the management committee. Application for membership shall be by means of a form prescribed by the management committee giving such information as may be required. ‘Member’ means both applicant and spouse or partner. A member shall be entitled to one vote at meetings.
Only members may attend rallies limited to a maximum of 5 days held under the association’s exemption certificate issued under Paragraph 6 of the First Schedule to the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960. Membership must have been granted in advance of attendance at any event and be for a longer period than that associated with only one event.
4 The management of the association in accordance with the terms of this constitution shall be in the hands of an executive committee which will consist of five members elected at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting called for that purpose.
The executive committee shall elect the officers.
The executive committee may:
- Appoint any member to fill a vacancy
- Appoint additional members above the five elected
- Decline a membership application or expel a member if they feel it is in the best interests of the association
- Set joining fees, subscriptions or occasional charges.
- Agree and ensure compliance with the rules of the conduct of rallies.
5 Communications and decisions of the executive committee will normally be circulated by email to members unless the executive committee agrees otherwise. Postal communications may be used for those members without email, but a charge may be levied.
6 The executive committee may open bank accounts in the name of the association, or may authorise members to hold the association’s money in cash or in a member’s private bank or Paypal account, subject to clear records being kept and published to members. The association’s financial year shall run from 1st January.
7 An Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) will be held, not later than 15 months after the previous A.G.M. Members will be given at least 4 weeks notice of the A.G.M. and can submit motions for debate up to 2 weeks prior to the A.G.M. The agenda will be distributed one week prior to the A.G.M. Members not able to be present at the A.G.M. may appoint a proxy, or may submit their voting intentions to the secretary. A simple majority of valid votes will be deemed sufficient to decide all questions.
8 A Special General Meeting may be called by the executive committee, or by the request of five members in writing to the secretary, on the same terms as the A.G.M., except that only the items listed for discussion in the notice calling the meeting may be debated.
9 Changes to this constitution may be made at an A.G.M. or Special General Meeting. The proposed changes shall be included with the notice calling the meeting. The meeting is required to vote to accept the changes as specified or reject them completely.
10 All members are required to observe the association’s code of conduct.
11 In the event of the association being wound up, any funds remaining will be given to a charity or charities authorised by not less than two members of the executive committee. If there is a deficit, all members will share the costs up to £10 per member.
Adopted 19/03/2016