Travel Blogs by Murvi Club Members

Have you been somewhere interesting? Why not send in an article/blog?

view across rough sea to cliffs in Ireland

Lin & Wendy in Ireland – Part 2

We were hoping to walk the pilgrims route up Croagh Patrick the holy mountain of Ireland. But it was not to be as dogs are banned from the mountain ...
hillside view of Ireland

Lin & Wendy in Ireland-part 1

We have been planning a trip to the Isle of Ireland however, it has been afflicted by the pandemic since 2019, but all blog things come to pass eventually! ...
Lin & Wendy on the South West Coastal Path

Lin & Wendy on the South West Coastal Path

It is said that the South West Coast Path is perhaps the UK’s most challenging long distance path - ...
Lin and Wendy - the Tours over the Years

Lin and Wendy – the Tours over the Years

Follow Lin and Wendy on their tours over many years

Trip to the Shetlands with Roger & Wendy

Trip to the Shetlands with Roger & Wendy

Follow the Pepper's on their trip to the Shetlands: ...
Two Go to Spain - eBook

Two Go to Spain – eBook

We have been to Spain a couple of times and our experiences ...
A Solo Gap-year of  Adventure

A Solo Gap-year of Adventure

Jacquier Fournier has set off with her dog, bike and Murvi ...
A Tour of Norway by Morello

A Tour of Norway by Morello

John and Ruth Morgan's trip to Norway
A Trio of Murvis Visit Iceland

A Trio of Murvis Visit Iceland

Follow the adventures of three Murvis travelling to Iceland ...
Piccolo to Greece

Piccolo to Greece

This trip was organised by GB Privilege and we booked via the Murvi Club ...
Andy Bawn's trip to New Zealand 2014

Andy Bawn’s trip to New Zealand 2014

What a shock to the system, having left home on a cold, wet and windy day we arrived at our daughter's to find temperatures of 30+ degrees, it took us over a week to adjust.
Read the rest of Andy Bawn's trip to New Zealand:

NZ trip 2014 ...

European Photomontage

European Photomontage

Get inspired by Geoff and Carol Wilkinson's european trip ...